Sensitivity Estimates
To print lists of datasets that are known to SAM - all or optionally with restrictions (see -h).
setup mu2efiletools mu2eDatasetList
To see the files in a dataset with full file paths:
mu2eDatasetFileList dataset_name_here >& fcllist.txt
beam: stage1
The simulation correcponds to 800 MeV proton interactions with carbon coveyor style target. Two data streams are recorded:
- dsregion: particles (mostly neutrals) reaching concrete walls covering CRV
- mubeam: beam particles reaching DS vacuum volumes.
Each unconcatenated file corresponds to 5E5 POT:
- The total simulated POT: 13.4E9
- It corresponds to 8 ubunches, assuming 1.6E9 POT/ubunch
The stopping planes were arranged in the configuration described in docdb-26541. Truncated files are empty and can be recovered from the archive. The samples were produced on Bebop using 2.6M core-hours.
- cnf.mu2e.beams1-g4-10-5.0919.fcl
- concanated from:
- File count: 87
- Total size [GB]: 70
- Event count: 37,132,359
- Trigger rate: 0.28481196%
- concanated from:
- File count: 870
- Total size [GB]: 1,209
- Event count: 848,974,449
- Trigger rate: 6.5117887%
- logfiles: ???
- G4 version: v4_10_6_p02b
- CLHEP version: v2_4_1_3a
- ART version: v3_06_03
- Offline version: Mu2eII_01_00_00
Expert: Yuri Oksuzian.
beam: stage2 (DS)
Resampled with JobConfig/beam/DS-resampler.fcl.
- Generated events: 1000*500,000=500,000,000
- Initital number of events from stage-1: 37,132,359
- Resampling factor: 500,000,000/37,132,359 = 13.6
- The total simulated POT: 13.4E9*13.6 = 180E9 POT
- The total number of pulses: 180E9/1.6E9 = 112
Sample location: /pnfs/mu2e/persistent/users/oksuzian/workflow/mu2eII_1220/good/40050458.fcllist_201202221830
Two streams are produced:
- Target stops:
- Stopping rate: 16006042./180E9 = 8.89e-05
- Detector hits:
beam: stage2 (PS)
Resampled with JobConfig/beam/PS-resampler.fcl
- Generated events: 1000*1,000,000=1,000,000,000
- Initital number of events from stage-1: 848,974,449
- Resampling factor: 1,000,000,000/848,974,449 = 1.17
- The total simulated POT: 13.4E9*1.17 = 16E9 POT
- The total number of pulses: 16E9/1.6E9 = 10
Sample location: /pnfs/mu2e/persistent/users/oksuzian/workflow/mu2eII_1220/good/40050540.fcllist_201202214828
One stream is produced:
- Detector hits:
Preliminary Physics Sets
expert/contact: Sophie Middleton
For benchmark study, using old detector geometry but with updated Production Target:
- The stopped pion rate is found to be: 9.6e-5 stops per POT
Multi-Stage Simulation:
- Stage 1 : from PT to the TS3 JobConfig/pions/PionStage1_2020.fcl
- Stage 2 : from TS3 to TS5 JobConfig/pions/PionStage2_2020.fcl
- Stage 3 : from TS5 to ST JobConfig/pions/PionStage3_2020.fcl
- Ntuple : JobConfig/pions/PionStage4_2020.fcl
with 1e9 POT --> 9.6e4 Stopped Pions
Internal, in-time RPC:
- Generated 1e6 events using Al Mu2e style target
- Samples: /pnfs/mu2e/tape/usr-sim/dig/sophie/InternalInTimeRPC/
External, in-time RPC:
- Generated 1e8 using Al Mu2e style target
- Samples:/pnfs/mu2e/tape/usr-sim/dig/sophie/ExternalInTimeRPC/
DIO in Al:
- Generated 1e7 flat electrons using Al Mu2e style target
- Use: JobConfig/primary/flatelectron.fcl (with updated Stopped Muon NTuple)
- Samples:
Flat Electron Reconstructed (no DIO weights): /pnfs/mu2e/tape/usr-sim/mcs/sophie/FlateElectron/
CE in Al:
- Generate 1e7 CeMLLeadingLog using Al Mu2e style target
- Use: JobConfig/primary/CeMLeadinLog.fcl (with updated Stopped Muon NTuple)
- Samples:
CE Reconstructed (Al 37 foils): /pnfs/mu2e/tape/usr-sim/mcs/sophie/CeEndpoint
Reconstruction Scripts used:
- CE in Al: Use: JobConfig/reco/CeMLeadinLog.fcl
- DIO in Al: Use flateminus.fcl
- TrkAna: To make standard TrkAna Ntuples: TrkDiag/fcl/TrkAnaReco.fcl (on output of reco stage)